The MINIMALIST RADIO POUCH 2.0 – MRP 2.0 can be quickly attached to ay of our LZ attachments. The MOLLE LZ, Velcro Wing LZ, Assaulter Wing LZ or either of the Link 2/3 MOLLE LZs.  The shock cord retention system allows for fine tuning the height of your radio regardless of which battery or power reroute you use.  This vertical adjustment allows the user to find the sweet spot where the operator’s hip will not be rubbed raw, but maintain clear space for arm movement. The shock cord also allows access to screens and buttons without removing the radio for mid-mission access.  A stiffener at the top allows for easy radio re-insertion if the radio is removed while worn. The MRP 2.0s Skeletonized Design Allows Heat Dispersion instead of trapping heat with a full coverage pouch.
Designed for use with PRC-148, PRC-152, PRC-163, MPU5/6 radios but will fit any similar size LE or other radio.
Check out our MAX-1 Radio Pad 2.0 for added comfort
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